Education & experience

Dr Frank Vanhove studied medicine at the Rijksuniversiteit of Ghent and graduated in 1994 with the highest distinction as Doctor of Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics. He studied dentistry at the Vrije Universiteit of Brussels and obtained this title magna cum laude in 1997.

He became an accredited specialist in stomatology in 1999 and during the period of 1999 to 2001 he was employed at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology at V.U.B under Professor G. Wackens.

In 2001, he became a recognised specialist in maxillofacial surgery. For a short while, he also worked as a maxillofacial surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology at V.U.B. in Brussels.

Since 2003, Dr Vanhove has been working as an implantologist in AZ Monica Antwerp. In 2016 he became a full-time staff member at the ZMACK Association.

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Special skills

He focuses on implantology, preprosthetic surgery and the implementation of digitalisation within the clinical workflow. From his surgical expertise and technological interest, he directs the immediate loading team of ZMACK in their quest for an efficient digital treatment pathway for patients whose entire dental arch needs to be replaced.

Team approach, clear communication and reliable patient experience are crucial to him.

Dr Frank Vanhove is also a co-founder of Millnau AG Digital Lab and medical director of Alto Dental Implant Clinic, Antwerp.

Frank Vanhove
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