Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon

With more than 20 years of experience as Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Frank Vanhove devotes himself exclusively to implantology.

Fixed teeth in one day

Aided by technological innovation and years of expertise, Dr. Frank Vanhove restores patients’ confidence in their smiles through state-of-the-art implantological procedures. In one day.

Meester in gelaatsgeluk

tandimplantaten die schuin worden geplaatst

Replacement of all teeth


In the All-on-4 concept, a full fixed bridge of 10 or 12 teeth is placed on 4 implants. The rear implants are deliberately placed obliquely in the bone. This angled position increases the mutual dispersion between the implants and therefore improves the anchoring of the fixed bridge.

Dr Frank Vanhove focuses on immediate loading of implants. As a result, he built up considerable expertise together with a team of dentists and dental technicians. This expertise of our team and the innovative Alto Dental route offer you predictable and fast treatment.

Replacement of one or more teeth

Treatment through dental implants

A dental implant is an artificial root that is screwed into the tooth bone. Implants are usually made of titanium, as this high-quality material is very well tolerated by the body and grows tightly with human bone.

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Education & experience

He focuses exclusively on implantology, preprosthetic surgery and implementing digitalisation within the clinical workflow.


Years of experience

We are at your service