Privacy Policy

Your personal data and privacy are hugely important to Frank Vanhove. This policy is not just a legal shield to put us in line with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (further: GDPR), or yet, the General Data Protection Regulation.* No, this text writes our data story. It tells what personal data we process and how we treat and protect it with care.

So with this policy, we want to make you fully aware of our data policy. So you can then also make a thoughtful and informed choice about whether to use our services. We therefore assume that when you use our services, you consent to the manner of processing and our policies.

Oh, one more thing. We have done our best to keep this policy as concise and clear as possible. After all, we believe that obligations don’t have to be boring.

*Regulation of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

Who processes the data?

1.    ‘us’

Company name:Dr. Frank Vanhove
Company number:0897.756.576
Address:Isabella Brantstraat 22
2018 Antwerp
Phone number:+32 318 66 18

The GDPR also designates us as data controllers. This means, in short, that we decide what data is collected, how and by what means it will be collected, as well as why we do all this.

2.  Who helps us?

Processors, a telling GDPR term. Who helps us, under our responsibility, process your personal data? Rest assured, all of our processors have personally or generally agreed to the GDPR, and thus, our policies. Here is a brief overview.

Combell is under the hood of our website.

Company name:Combell nv
Company number:BE 0541.977.701
Address:Skaldenstraat 121
9042 Ghent
Phone number:0800-8-5678

In addition to all these processors, we use some plugins that sometimes process data as well. Rest assured, as with our processors, we only use plugins that are explicitly GDPR compliant. A list: Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel.

What data are we actually collecting?

1.  The ‘categories of data’

A heavy GDPR term for what “types of data” we need. A small overview:


Email address
Phone number
Location data

2.  Why do we collect this data?

We don’t do this for no reason, of course. The idea is that by collecting your data we can provide you with an optimal experience on our website. But what should you think about that?

  • We make sure the experience on our website is as safe as possible. Therefore, we use the data to monitor our website to ensure that everything runs smoothly. This is also how we try to avoid fraud and other bad intentions.
  • We also like to keep you informed about our products and services. That’s why we send you an email very occasionally. Sometimes a promotion, sometimes just a news item. Some people also know this as direct marketing, but don’t worry! The emails always contain a link to remove yourself from our database.
  • Google Analytics collects data for us so that we can gain our own insights into the audience visiting our website. Statistical data collection, it’s called. IP address, which pages were visited, a geographical location of the visitor and the time of visit are processed.
  • The Facebook Pixel collects data for us so we can properly organize our marketing efforts. This allows us to show the right message to the right people on Facebook without ever knowing your account. Punishment huh! The fewer parties processing data, the less chance of loss.

What can you do? What are your rights?

1.  Right of inspection

Your data remains yours, of course. You can therefore ask us at any time to inspect the data we have collected from you and how, why and for how long we have processed it. All this in the broadest sense. You will know exactly how we review your data and what happens to it. Send your request for access to and we will send you everything we have within 1 month of the request.

2.  Right to correct and delete personal data

You can always have your data corrected or deleted. This may be necessary for example when you move or create a new email address. WEBSITE: If you want to have data deleted or changed you can send this request to

Some data unfortunately cannot be deleted just like that. We are talking about data that we have to keep based on a legal obligation (e.g. accounting) or based on an agreement (e.g. we still have to deliver your package).

Of course, data that might have ever been processed in an unlawful manner will be deleted as soon as possible. Any other request will be granted without unreasonable delay.

3.  Right to restrict or object to data processing

If you have submitted a request for erasure, we check the data for accuracy, the data has been processed unlawfully, or the data is necessary for a legal claim, you can request a restriction of processing. You address this request to and we will restrict processing within one month.

Don’t want us to process your data? Then object via and we will stop processing your data as soon as possible (within 1 month of the request). Exceptions to this are again the data we have to keep based on a legal obligation (e.g. accounting) or based on an agreement (e.g. we still have to deliver your package).

4.  Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain the data you have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable form. This allows you to transfer the data to another data controller.

5.  Right to withdraw consent

Your consent may be revoked at any time. Naturally, this only affects the data we have obtained on the basis of your consent. The data that we obtain or have to maintain on the basis of a legal obligation (e.g. accounting) or on the basis of an agreement (e.g. we still have to deliver your package) are thus excluded.

6.  Complaints

Complaints about how we process your data should be reported to the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy ( .